Thursday, February 27, 2014

Another Week Gone By

This week in Economics we learned all about the government and spending. We learned that we pay taxes to the government so they can provide services not only to us but to the people in need. It helps create a balance. We also talked about the different types of taxing on the people. They are proportional, progressive, and regressive. A Proportional tax is where the rate is constant to everyone; each person pays the same percentage of their income. A progressive tax is when the people with higher income pay more than the poorer people. And finally a regressive tax is when the low income people pay more taxes than high income! A regressive tax seems crazy to me! In my opinion I think a proportional tax is the best because it is fairest to all. They all pay the same amount of their own income, none more percent than others. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. A regressive tax is very dumb! It does not make sense at all!! If anyone needs to pay more it is the rich! Overall, the proportional tax is the best as it is fair for all. A flat tax gives equality to all. The choice is very easy for which tax to use.
